E-Shopping System

Our Online Shopping System called Web Shop is an e-Commerce package that is a fully featured, user friendly, online store. Here we are providing the facility of online shopping. We realise that service orientation is the most important factor, which contributes to the success of any organization. Keeping the requirements of our clients in mind, we offer the products associated with the supply of customized merchandise.

Admin can register sellers and can give authority to sellers to add their products.
Admin can add advertisements to display on home page of application.
Admin can add products for top offers and display them daywise.
Admin can add new arrivals like new products.
Admin have the facility to schedule offer of the day.
Admin can add special products for the day offers and can give special discounts on them.
Facility to add product details.
Create product category wise.
Admin can add subcategory for products.
Facility to add price ranges to sort product pricewise
Admin have facility to add products brands.
Facility to add multiple colours for products identification.
Admin can add item category of product.
Admin can add product details like product image,price,brand,category,colour,discount if any,detail description etc.
Manage stock of products.
View product details and can print their details also can export product list to Excel.
Facility to add offer product details.
Facility to View offer product details,to edit,delete and to print their details.
Facility to change theme of home page design according to occasion.
Facility to add special product details.
Schedule offer for particular time.
View customer invoice and can print them.
View list of registered customers and can print them.
Admin have the facility to view customer purchases and can print them.
View customer feedback.
Admin can change password.
View Daywise collection.
View weekely collection amount.
View monthly collection amount.
View sellerwise collection amount.
View offerwise collection amount.
Seller have the facility to edit his profile information.
Facility to add product details.
Create product category wise.
Admin can add subcategory for products.
Facility to add price ranges to sort product pricewise
Admin have facility to add products brands.
Facility to add multiple colors for products identification.
Admin can add item category of product.
Admin can add product details like product image,price,brand,category,color,discount if any,detail description etc.
Manage stock of products.
Facility to add offer product details.
Facility to View offer product details,to edit,delete and to print their details.
Facility to add special product details.
Admin have the facility to view customer purchases and can print them.
Manager can change password.
Customer can register by giving his emailid and password.
After login customer can purchase any product.
Edit profile,view profile.
Candidate can edit name,city,state,address mobile,pincode etc.
Facility to view his own order history.
Facility to view orderwise shipping addresses and their invoices.
Facility to view seller reviews that user has given.
Customer can search products by multiple filters such as different colours,brands,sizes,product ranges,categorywise.
Customer can rate product.
Customer have facility to give review for seller of that product.
Customer can buy any product with n number of quantity,he can change his order.
Customer can give feedback for the working of application also related to product,product delivery etc.
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