Center Management System

Center Management System software offers a feature-rich solution for any institute, center, with integrated registrations,enquiry details, user relationship management & more!

Admin can add courses and set fee ranges .
Admin can add joining status of regiistrations.
Admin can add mode of enquiry.
Admin can add stream of courses.
Admin can create new center and add center details-Address,head of center,center name,contact no. etc.
Admin can add user details of perticular academy,user can be user or manager, and create their username and password for login.
Admin can create new batch of perticular venues.
Admin can add venue detail.
Admin can add inventory details such as student study materials,papers etc.
Admin can add student registration of particular academy.
Admin can add payment details of student in a particular academy.
Admin can update student details.
Admin can update payment details.
Admin can issued of inventory to students.
Admin can insert and update student photo and signature.
View enquiry report.
View enquiry follow up report history.
View Student registration details.
View Student payment details.
View student pending payment details.
View summary of student registration,enquiry,enquiry follow ups,sales values,received,pending collection.
View total payment details of student.
View royalty report.
Admin can change password.
Manager can create new batch and venue.
Manager can add enquiry details and update,delete enquiry details.
Manager can view enquiry follow up detail and add next follow up details.
Manager can add student registration details.
Update and view student information of existing student.
Manager can add and update payment
Issue inventory to students.
Manager can add photo and signature of student.
Manager keeps track of fees collection , follow up details.
Follow up history report.
Enquiry report.
Admission student report.
Student payment report.
Student pending fees report.
Total fees paid by student report
Instalment detail of fees
Manager can change his password
User can add enquiry details and update,delete enquiry details.
User can view enquiry follow up detail and add next follow up details.
User can add student registration details.
Update and view student information of existing student.
User can add and update payment
Issue inventory to students.
User can add photo and signature of student.
User keeps track of fees collection , follow up details.
Follow up history report.
Enquiry report.
Admission student report.
Student payment report.
Student pending fees report.
Total fees paid by student report
Instalment detail of fees
User can change his password
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